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Тормозная система

Главная Каталог Специальный инструмент Тормозная система HAZET 2871-E24, Brake Calliper TORX® Socket

HAZET 2871-E24, Brake Calliper TORX® Socket
В наличии

HAZET 2871-E24, Brake Calliper TORX® Socket

3708 руб.

For the operation of the brake calliper screw on MAN commercial vehicles

  • Operation e.g. with HAZET box-end insert tool 6630 d-22
    with tool holder 6397 (screw loosening) or torque wrench 6293-1 CT or 6295-1 CT (screw tightening)
  • Made In Germany
  • For e.g. MAN-TGA, TGS, TGX - outside TORX® E 24

Артикул Наименование Vehicle Manufacturer Vehicle Type Application field Length Downforce outside hexagon s Wrench size TORX® 1 Weight цена наличие количество
2871-E24 Brake Calliper TORX® Socket commercial vehicle MAN Nfz, TGA BRAKES 39,5 mm Outside TORX® 22 mm E 24 0,177 kg 3708.38 В наличии шт. В корзину